Jo is a great Flickr contact who is very talented and an inspiration to many. Her photography has gone from strength to strength throughout her 365, as has her processing skills, which are excellent. She has a real talent with textures creating beautiful pieces of art. Jo lives in a very beautiful part of the UK and has many photos of her local area that are awe inspiring.
Here is Jo's finisher interview, which she was kind enough to answer
1.) What inspired you to begin your 365 Project?
I was inspired to do a 365 after reading a piece on photoblog on how it had helped that person hone their photography skills. I undertook the 365 because I wanted to improve my photography and editing skills and make pictures not just take them.
2.) How would you describe your photography in just a few words? photography in a few words? Still evolving.
3.) What surprised you the most about doing the 365 project?
All the friends I have made, and hopefully will keep, is what surprised me. I didn't associate Flickr with social networking and while not social networking per se, there is definately a network there, and it can be kind of social, and friendly, and I like it!
4.) What did you learn during the course of your project?
Mainly I learnt to see a picture and compose it where at times in the past it would have gone unnoticed. I've learnt how good DoF and bokeh are, I can work in photoshop much more quickly now, having discovered shortcuts, actions, &layers etc.
5.) Do you have an interesting story about taking one of your 365 photos that you would like to share?
My minds gone blank I'm sure if there were I'd remember it :)
6.) What are your future photography plans?
Well, my photography still has a long way to go so I may not do another 365 (unless I change my mind in a few days time) but I will be posting regularly, maybe do a 52 instead, though I can't actually imagine only posting one shot a we'll see!
When asked about her favourites Jo said "It's quite hard to choose any favourites, especially as I don't have a particular style, I chose these 3 water shots, 2 are kind of abstract, 2 are kind of dynamic in movement".
Here is Jo's finisher interview, which she was kind enough to answer
1.) What inspired you to begin your 365 Project?
I was inspired to do a 365 after reading a piece on photoblog on how it had helped that person hone their photography skills. I undertook the 365 because I wanted to improve my photography and editing skills and make pictures not just take them.
2.) How would you describe your photography in just a few words? photography in a few words? Still evolving.
3.) What surprised you the most about doing the 365 project?
All the friends I have made, and hopefully will keep, is what surprised me. I didn't associate Flickr with social networking and while not social networking per se, there is definately a network there, and it can be kind of social, and friendly, and I like it!
4.) What did you learn during the course of your project?
Mainly I learnt to see a picture and compose it where at times in the past it would have gone unnoticed. I've learnt how good DoF and bokeh are, I can work in photoshop much more quickly now, having discovered shortcuts, actions, &layers etc.
5.) Do you have an interesting story about taking one of your 365 photos that you would like to share?
My minds gone blank I'm sure if there were I'd remember it :)
6.) What are your future photography plans?
Well, my photography still has a long way to go so I may not do another 365 (unless I change my mind in a few days time) but I will be posting regularly, maybe do a 52 instead, though I can't actually imagine only posting one shot a we'll see!
When asked about her favourites Jo said "It's quite hard to choose any favourites, especially as I don't have a particular style, I chose these 3 water shots, 2 are kind of abstract, 2 are kind of dynamic in movement".
Congrats on finishing, Jo!