What inspired you to begin your 365 Project?
Once a year, I cover the freshman's introduction event of the University of Twente. This event basically involves shooting about one and a half week on a fulltime basis with 6-7 other photographers. Life after this event always felt quite 'empty'. After 2009's event, I got hooked to some Flickr streams from people doing 365 projects like Dustin Diaz and Katie Lee. After much debating with myself my primal instinct of taking lots of photos eventually won and on December 31st, 2009 I decided to start a 365 project the very next day.

How would you describe your photography in just a few words?
My photography focuses on the details of everyday life. I can take quite some time taking photos of seemingly boring things like iron railway bridges, stacks of wood etc. Also, I can be intrigued by lines, curves and colours resulting in abstract visions of reality.
My photography also includes more and more styled conceptual still life. At the start of my 365 I had to learn quite a bit about lighting, and by reading and doing I improved during this project.

What surprised you the most about doing the 365 project?
What surprised me the most in the beginning of this project was the massive amount of people starting a 365 project on the first of January. In my direct environment, within the first 10-20 days I met three or four other people doing the same. However, the others all quit their project in the first 6-7 months.
Another surprise was the relative ease at which I got through this project. Sure there were some tough times when the juice wasn't flowing or when my schedule was chock-full. But overall, by bringing my camera almost everywhere or planning my shoot upfront, I managed quite easily.
What did you learn during the course of your project?
I learnt that you can do things you didn't know before by just hanging on to your goals. Some people didn't think I would actually persevere and probably give up before the 3rd month. To be able to bring such a project to a good end you will sometimes have to prioritize your photography to squeeze out a shot just before 0.00, and more importantly, you have to learn to recognize and break your "photographers-block" when you're in a bad period.
Another thing I learned is to be ever mindful. Take in those little details and the shot of the day comes naturally. For day 364 for example, I saw this brick-pattern under a bridge, which my girlfriend hadn't seen after living nearby for 1,5 years.

What are your future photography plans?
In the future I will continue with my detail photography and try to get even more knowledge of lighting and studio photography. Furthermore I think working with people is something I will expand further (in portraits etc), because I really like the interaction between photographer and model.
Congratulations again to Ivo! Here are a couple admin favorites and a slideshow of his completed project.