Sunday, 10 October 2010

POTW for 3rd - 9th October

There have been quite a few nominations this week - it took me quite a while looking through the pool and nominations. It was very hard narrowing down to just three!

If you do like any of the ones chosen this week, be sure to visit the photographers stream, they will be happy you did.

#33/365 Web on gate Day Two Hundred and Eighty One 274. Dance...


  1. lovely pick! One of these days I will start project 365. Being married and have a 4-year old at home, while attending school three nights a week and hold a full-time job with some photo shoots here and there leaves me no room to start the project. This website makes me hopeful and eager to start my own project. Soon, very soon!

  2. Thank you so much for choosing my "web on gate" photograph :) Feel very chuffed! Thanks again xxx
